I’ve been practicing advertising without a license for a bit. And I’ve been successful in coming up with new forms. For instance, turning Airbnb into a creative platform for brands. Or starting the first legal defense fund for kids.
This probably stems from my love/hate relationship with advertising. I enjoy creative problem solving but understand people’s avoidance of ads. With this in mind I create and champion work that people hopefully find a teeny-tiny bit worthwhile; work that feels human, that has intelligence, generosity and even a little audacity. Three qualities I also try to bring to the department.
I’ve worked at agencies, large and small, across the US. I’m now at Leo Burnett both leading and making work on Kraft Masterbrand, Country Time, Capri Sun and the Art Institute of Chicago. I’m also knee deep in Bank of America, U.S. Cellular, and new business.
I was named one of the top 10 creative directors in the world and one of Adweek’s Top 50.
As for things I do outside of advertising, they're best left unsaid.
One Show One Screen Judge
One Show Young Ones Judge
Advertising & Design Club of Canada Judge
Marketing Pulse, Hong Kong
Red Hook Festival, Sao Paolo
Chicago Ideas Week, Chicago